enHello, everyone.

Although since its inception deepin community has determined “Freedom, Openness, Sharing, Cooperation” as its community concepts, as we have not written a thorough community declaration, we cannot well explain our concepts and goals to you, our community members, which is not conducive to community building and cooperation.

Now we have drafted “deepin Community Declaration” of the first edition, hoping that you actively express your views and suggestions for revision to improve the content of “deepin Community Declaration”.

  • Collecting Period: June 12, 2015~July 12, 2015
  • Collecting Address: the special post of Collecting Suggestions for Revision of “deepin Community Declaration”


Finally, let’s work hard together to make the concepts of our declaration into reality!

Thank you all.

deepin Community Declaration

We are an open source community composed of developers, designers, ordinary members and leaders. We are committed to providing all people with a free and open communication platform and the best open source operating system through the community development and cooperation.
No matter what you are, maybe you are an experienced developer, a creative designer, or an ordinary user, we welcome you to join us to contribute your strength to the community!


deepin community sets “Freedom, Openness, Sharing, Cooperation” as the guidelines of the community work and communication.

  • Freedom: To ensure that our achievements of work can be enjoyed by others freely.
  • Openness: All people with different backgrounds and experience can join us and participate in the community work.
  • Sharing: To be willing to share and deliver our achievements to more people.
  • Cooperation: To advocate teamwork and play leading roles to make the community work be progressed more orderly.


We hope that through this declaration we can show the following aims to deepin community members clearly:

  • To build a platform with “Freedom, Openness, Sharing, Cooperation” as the concepts.
  • To let the concepts “Freedom, Openness, Sharing, Cooperation” be spread farther and let more people benefit.
  • To build deepin into the best open source operating system through community cooperation.
  • To promote the development of other open source software through community agreements.


You can help to implement our declaration through the following channels:

  • To directly participate in the development and testing of deepin community or other open source software. To participate in the internationalization and translation work of deepin community or other open source software.
  • To write a lot of usable system development documents and operating instructions for community users.
  • To know and approve the concepts “Freedom, Openness, Sharing, Cooperation” and spread them.
  • To keep using deepin system or other open source software.


We invite all our colleagues and friends who support “deepin Community Declaration” to join us. Let’s work hard together to make the concepts of our declaration into reality!


  • 做维护系统时一直用Deepin的系统:linux、xp、win7,朋友、客服、公司、自己都在用,而且用了十多年从未换过(偶尔曾下到过"深度完美"的win版不知是否同一系列),曾为技术员联盟的推广系统动摇过,后来发现广告太多影响用户体验而放弃,也可算是深度的忠实粉丝了吧! 虽然用了多年,但从未触及系统底层。近年Java编程炒得很热,于是开始关注并对编程产生兴趣。找了些书来看过后越发想深入学习,并最终把Linux编程定为学习目标。不过现在才刚起步,完全靠工作之余在网上找资料自学,进展比较缓慢。希望能通过社区学习知识,增长见识,开拓视野!虽然万事开头难,但我会坚持下去!我不清楚Deepin是否深入人心,但我知道Deepin早已深入我心! 真心祝愿Deepin日趋完善,路越走越宽!将“自由、开放、分享、协作”的理念坚持下去!做最好用中文系统,做最适合中国人习惯的中文系统!

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