
Today, Deepin newly adds four mirror services, which are in Turkey, France, Canada and China respectively.  On behalf of Deepin Team, I sincerely thank everyone of you for your strong support to Deepin!


DGN Mirror Site in Turkey

We thank the strong support to Deepin from DGN Technologies Information Publishing Corporation. Currently this mirror site only supports Http protocols. Its address is as follows:



Graysun Mirror Site in France

We thank the strong support to Deepin from Tristan, a French fan of Deepin system. Currently this mirror site only supports Http protocols. Its address is as follows:



GloboTech Communications Mirror Site in Canada

We thank the strong support to Deepin from GloboTech Communications Mirror Site in Canada. Currently this mirror site only supports Http protocols. Its address is as follows:



Harbin Institute of Technology Mirror Site

We thank the support to us from Harbin Institute of Technology. Currently the Harbin Institute of Technology Mirror Site supports Http protocol access of IPv4/IPv6. Its address is as follows:


In addition, these mirror services also provide ISO downloading service. The address is as follows:


Users of Deepin can choose this software source in “Options-Software Sources” in Deepin Store and then they can use these newly added mirror services.


Relevant Information

Please view all the software sources of Deepin.

We welcome more mirror sites and open-source communities to provide Deepin with mirror services.

Contact e-mail: support@linuxdeepin.com


Yours sincerely,

Deepin Team


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