Bug fixes #2894 A problem prevented users to select city. #2926 Mouse accuracy setting could not be saved. Forum Feedback Chinese localization issue with Deepin System Settings. Software updates from Deepin Software Center Deepin Software Center has recently included the following new applications: Kuipan: a dropbox like file syncing service client. Conky Manager: a graphical front-end for managing Conky config files. Brackets: a code editor for HTML, CSS and JavaScript that's built in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. MonoDevelop: a cross-platform IDE primarily designed for C# and other .NET languages. WizNote: a cross-platform cloud based note-taking client. Game updates from Deepin ...Read more

New mirror in the United States is Available
James Madison University has generously agreed to mirror Linux Deepin’s packages and ISO images. The mirrored packages and ISO images can be found at the following URIs: http://mirror.jmu.edu/pub/deepin ftp://mirror.jmu.edu/pub/deepin rsync://mirror.jmu.edu/deepin and http://mirror.jmu.edu/pub/deepin-cd ftp://mirror.jmu.edu/pub/deepin-cd rsync://mirror.jmu.edu/deepin-cd Users can choose their preferred mirror in Deepin Software Center. To select JMU’s mirror: 1. Open the Preferences panel in Deepin Software Center. 2. Select the Mirrors tab. 3. Hover your mouse over a URL (HTTP or FTP) for JMU’s mirror, and click on the icon which appears after the URL. We would like to thank James Madison University public mirror for helping us and ...Read more