Bug fixes 1. Launcher Icon issue in the System category. Icon missing from the Graphics category. 2. System Settings The layout changed in Personalization. Deepin Software Center A screencasting tool, Vokoscreen, is included. A new mirror is available. Deepin Game Center The following new games has been added: Winterbells, helping playing rabbit collect as many bells as possible with the mouse. I Saw Her Standing There, a game about zombies, guns, love and dealing with your girlfriend when she turns into a zombie. One and One Story, the story of a boy, the story of a girl, the story of ...Read more

New mirror provided by contributor
A new mirror for Linux Deepin’s packages has recently been brought online. As the mirror provider, Love4Taylor, wrote on his blog, the download speed from the mirror can reach up to 2.5 Megabytes per second while using a Japan based VPS service. Below is the URI for the mirrored packages: http://mirrors.love4taylor.org/deepin/ Thank Love4Taylor for generously providing us with the mirror support. If you are also able to mirror Linux Deepin and are willing to help us, please contact us.