The 3rd "Deepin Technology Scholarship Competition" Having Started Officially

The 3rd "Deepin Technology Scholarship Competition" Having Started Officially

  Click on the picture to see details Now the 3rd Hubei University "Deepin Technology Scholarship Competition" has started officially. This competition is a comprehensive campus contest launched by Wuhan Deepin Technology Co., Ltd. and Hubei University together and conducted facing all students in Hubei University. This competition aims to develop and motivate the college students’ creativity, team spirit and innovation capabilities, enhance the students' interest and abilities in Linux and provide a stage for students who have special aptitude in this aspect to show their talent. We hope that such kind of activities can stimulate the enthusiasm of college ...Read more

Update Records of Deepin (Oct. 22, 2014)

Thanks for the pre-test from our friends who are members of Internal Testing Group. Yesterday we pushed out our routine system updates. Here is a summary of system bugs fixed and newly added features for your reference as follows. Deepin Control Center The bug that control center was hidden by clicking on the blank area of desktop has been fixed. In shortcut module, the bug that some shortcuts can not be set has been fixed. In system information module, the bug with wrong version number displayed has been fixed. In power supply module, the bug caused by suspend mode when ...Read more