System updates Fixed the issue that building ISO file failed when select NVIDIA closed source driver in hardware driver customization; Fixed the issue that iPhone cannot be mounted in file manager; Changed English prompt to Chinese prompt after executing sudo deepin-feedback-cli command in Chinese system. Deepin Graphics Driver Manager updated to version 1.0.1-1 Fixed the issue that graphics driver installation interface was shown always after reboot.

Deepin Recovery V2.0 is Released
Deepin Recovery V2.0 is a revision, which not only added some features, but also optimized some details and fixed bugs from users. Changelog: Added USB flash drive support; Added login password protection; Preinstalled Deepin Repair; Added more wireless driver; Added xfs/jfs file system; Added function that auto identify the system and load the corresponding driver firmware; Updated Kernel to the latest version; Updated dde components to the latest version; Followed system language and time; Added interface for selecting system language at the first time you start; Fixed Launcher abnormal background; Fixed 100% CPU usage when run dde-daemon; Fixed inconsistencies between the wallpaper ...Read more

Deepin System Monitor V1.4 is Released
Deepin System Monitor V1.4 is a revision, which not only added some features, but also optimized some details and fixed bugs from users. Changelog: Added a trend diagram for monitoring disk information on the left panel; Added "Compact Mode" in main menu, allowing display all the system monitoring information on lower resolution screen, including the additional disk information; Optimized the "End process" dialog to follow system monitor window, to reduce the mouse movement distance; Fixed the cursor focus problem in search box; Fixed the issue that application icon cannot be found by * .desktop file in some cases; Fixed the issue that when /proc file vanished, System Monitor crashed under extreme conditions; Compatible with the latest DTK API; Updated the translations. Welcome to use Deepin System Monitor V1.4 by updating system or downloading it in Deepin Store.

Deepin System Updates (2018.03.07)
DTK updated to version 2.0.7 Improved the version number management. improved CMake / QtModule support. Improved theme support. Implemented new titlebar. Configured the dialog to support hidden groups. Modified DTabbar control, and removed some interfaces. Abandoned Anchors. Pulseaudio updated to version 1:10.0-7deepin & QT updated to version5.6.1+dfsg-14deepin Deepin internal updates, fixed Flatpak related issues. Deepin-wine rolled back to version 2.18-5 Fixed the issue that users can not log into TIM due to the abnormal password input box. Removed the function so that Deepin computer cannot be controlled in QQ Remote Assistance. Deepin-package-manager updated to version 1.2.3-1 Fixed the issue that the installation of RStudio, TeamViewer and other Deb packages not in repository will uninstall DDE.

Deepin Font Installer V1.0 is Released - Custom Your Font Library
Deepin Font Installer V1.0 is released! A new member comes to Deepin Family! Deepin Font Installer is a tool to install and uninstall font files with simplified operations, supports bulk install, font information display, font preview and other functions, allowing you to easily use your favorite fonts. Clean interface, one-click install The interface is simple and clean, and very intuitively shows font information, such as style, type, version, copyright, and description. Just click Install button to complete font installation. Status detection, smart reminder The current installation status of the font is automatically detected and shown on the interface, such as “Installed successfully”, “Same version installed”, “Removed successfully”, etc. Bulk install, list display Multiple font files are shown as a list and bulk installed by sequence, with the installation status displayed. Font directory at one click Want to check all your font libraries? Click on View font directory to see all your fonts in Deepin File Manager. Welcome to download Deepin Font Installer V1.0 from Deepin Store.

Update Record Of Applications In Deepin Store (2018-03)
Update Details of March 23 Application Added: Aptana Studio, Nuke, Robo3t, MathMod, Zoom Cloud Meetings, Zelda Return of the Hylian SE, Super Productivity, Nuvola Player, SeaMonkey Application Updated: audacity, brackets, jetbrains-toolbox, vscode Update Details of March 9 Application Added: Zelda Mystery of Solarus XD, Trillian, Nootka, edrawinfo, Edraw MindMaster, Wings 3D, Calf Studio Gear Application Updated: Android Studio, Telegram Desktop, LibreOffice, Wiznote, Visual Studio Code Update Details of March 2 Application Added: Bitwig Studio, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Enpass, Krusader, Phoduit, Codelobster Application Updated: VMware, VirtualBox, Liteide

Deepin System Updates (2018.03.02)
Deepin-wine updated to version 2.18-5~rc6: Supported QQ remote assistance; Fixed the issue that several windows did not appear in the front after clicking; Fixed the strong focus problem of QQ new message, which resulted in input interruption; Fixed the issue that you had to click many times in QQ password box to enter the password; Fixed the issue that two WeChat windows appeared when dragging, and there was a black border after disabled window effect; Fixed the issue that the search result window of WeChat for Enterprise did not appear in the front; Fixed the issue that 3D window effect collapsed in some conditions in WeChat; Supported adding system shortcuts for WeChat, for example, open Deepin Terminal and execute the following command to add the shortcut: /opt/deepinwine/tools/add_hotkeys "Open WeChat" " w WeChat" "<Control><Alt>W" Fixed the issue that the @ window did not display after WeChat restored from the minimized window. Supported pasting the files from wine applications into Deepin File Manager; Supported pasting the files from Deepin File Manager into WeChat; Flatpak updated to version 0.11.3.p1-3: Fixed the issue that the image can not be opened by double clicking. Fcitx updated to version 1: Updated upstream to fix the problem that input method cannot be used in Flatpak apps.

Update Record Of Applications In Deepin Store (2018-02)
Update Details of February 12 Application Updated: Discord,, Geogebra, Google Play Music Desktop Player, Itch, LiteIDE, Moeditor, Moonplayer, Persepolis Download Manager, Postman, SmartGit, Sqlectron, WebTorrent, WhatsApp Update Details of February 2 Application Added: Deepin Repair, CuteReport, Gaffer, PareView, BRL-CAD, NATTT, Ultimaker Cura, Pixeluvo, Cvassistant, OnlyOffice, Gnome Tweak Tool, Double Commander Application Updated: Firefox, uGet, GoldenDict

Deepin System Updates (2018.02.01)
Updated dtk to version, fixed the issue that no "Help"entry to view manual; Updated Deepin Boot Maker to version, fixed the issue that it cannot start in live system; Updated Deepin Repair to version 1.0.1-1, fixed the issue that no icon shows for directory.