Deepin Screenshot V3.1 Released: What we capture is different surprises and what we stick to is the continuation of happiness

Deepin Screenshot V3.1 Released: What we capture is different surprises and what we stick to is the continuation of happiness

After a lapse of three months, it is finally time for Deepin Screenshot V3.1! What new surprises will Deepin Screenshot V3.1 bring to us based on continuing the excellent experience of Deepin Screenshot V3.0?   Exquisite--Exquisite than ever before Fine tune screenshot: Elaboration, jumped into our eyes New version of Deepin Screenshot optimized and adjusted the details while continued its easy-to-use feature. Here it added the function to fine tune screenshot area and marking size [use Ctrl + arrow keys/ Ctrl + Shift + arrow keys], so you can precisely deal with screenshots.   Picture quality: Blurry or clear, up ...Read more