Deepin Terminal V2.1 is a bug fix version, it has added part of the function and optimized some of the operations, and fixed the bug user feeded. Newly Added: Added the shortcuts for scrolling to prev/next command after input a command Added local encoding changing function Added custom commands function Added SSH certificate function Added acknowlegdements page Function optimized: Optimized the right context menu when the system clipboard has no contents, the right context menu does not show `paste` option Optimized the right context menu when the workspace shows two and more windows, the right context menu shows `close other ...Read more

Deepin File Manager V1.3 is Released
Deepin File Manager V1.3 is a bug fix version, it has adjusted the interface, and optimized the function and performace, and fixed the bug user feeded. Newly Added: Added file preview, pdf preview and video preview function Added file share function Added multi-tab window function UI adjusted and function optimized: Optimized and adjusted the structure of file manager Optimized and adjusted the UI Optimized the right context menu of file/folder and blank area Optimized the right context menu of search page Optimized the conflicting problem on soft link copying Unified and optimized the file chooser function Disabled the right context ...Read more

Update Record Of Applications In Deepin Store (2016-11)
Update Details of November 30 Application Added: Babe Music Player, Brave, Cmd Markdown, GanttProject, Intel XDK, Listen 1, Pick, SQLiteStudio, PeaZip, Freeciv, Tremulous, CuteMarkEd, GitKraken, Marp, Edraw Max, The Powder Toy, 4K Strogam, itch, Flowblade Movie Editor, Redshift, Whatsie Application Updated: Qianqianquege, Foxit Reader, DataGrip, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, IntelliJ IDEA Community, Sayonara Player, Steam, krita, Chrome

The Deepin Acknowledgments Web Page Is Launched!
Hi everyone: Today, as the important part of the community, the acknowledgements page is finally online! Address: We added the newly designed the acknowledgements page, mainly shows the community user who contributed to Deepin OS, as it's also a way for us to thank for the global Deepin community users. The brand new acknowledgements page includes project logo, name, description and the contributers list of Deepin OS and Deepin softwares. Now we've finished the data initialize process, the contributers list are collected from GitHub, community developer, community tester and i18n project, and we will show new contibuters afterwards. If ...Read more

Deepin Image Viewer V1.1 is Released
Deepin Image Viewer V1.1 is a bug fix version, it has adjusted the interface, and optimized the all functions and performance, and fixed the bug user feedback. Interface optimization: Timeline and album It adjusted the background color of the main panel and the toolbar. It has changed the album icon, taking the album deep color to make the center deep, and added adding album button. It has changed the layout of the timeline interface, moving the time spots to the top of the split line, and adjusted the space of the time spots. It has changed the layout of ...Read more

Update Record Of Applications In Deepin Store (2016-10)
Update Details of October 18 Application Added: Tor Browser, Discord, NetBeans, Rocket.Chat, Tomahawk, QOwnNotes, Nero, B1 Free Archiver, Simplenote, WordMark, Moeditor, MKVToolNix Application Updated: California,Code::Blocks, Footnote, Tremulous, Variety, Vscode System Updated: Fixed cmbchina crash issue. Fixed hid driver crash issue. New upstream stable release. Add symlink to msiexec and drop symlink to winepath. Avoid possible mismatch in automatically generated source files. Remove Multi-Arch fields from the tools packages. Add network-manager-integration-plugins depends.
Security Updates (DSA-3608-1, DSA-3609-1, DSA-3611-1, DSA-3613-1, DSA-3614-1, DSA-3615-1, DSA-3617-1, DSA-3619-1, DSA-3620-1, DSA-3625-1, DSA-3626-1, DSA-3627-1, DSA-3629-1, DSA-3630-1, DSA-3631-1, DSA-3632-1, DSA-3636-1)
The security updates of libreoffice, tomcat8, libcommons-fileupload-java, libvirt, tomcat7, wireshark, horizon, libgd2, pidgin, squid3, openssh, phpmyadmin, ntp, libgd2, php5, mariadb-10.0 and collctd. Vulnerability Information DSA-3608-1 libreoffice — Security Updates Security database details: Aleksandar Nikolic discovered that missing input sanitising in the RTF parser in Libreoffice may result in the execution of arbitrary code if a malformed documented is opened. DSA-3609-1 tomcat8 — Security Updates Security database details: Multiple security vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Tomcat servlet and JSP engine, which may result in information disclosure, the bypass of CSRF protections, bypass of the SecurityManager or denial of service. ...Read more

The New Deepin Feedback Web Page Is Launched!
Hi all: Today, the new user feedback paged is launched, which will be an important module in Deepin Technology community! New Address: We fully upgraded the appearance of the new user feedback page, better presented issues to users with issue status tracking system. The new user-feedback page mainly contains submit issues, fixing log, feedback list and my feedbacks. So users can view their own issues, track the status of issues and comment on issues timely. Issue tracking is much more clear, users never again have to worry about not getting replies. As to I18n, currently the new page ...Read more